Youth of da Nation™

Youths should and must be provided with opportunities; only then, will it be felt that their sacrifice for the nation has been well received of. This shall even pave the way, where their needs, wants and demand shall be given a denomination of high priority. When bestowed with the power of decision making, they shall also turn up with equal burden of responsibility and accountability, which shall thus deem them liable towards their society and nation as a whole.

It’s however such a pity that none of the youths till date in our country has been placed even near the corridor of the ministers, when new panels of ministers are selected to drive the nation. The elected and selected ministership has always been offered to the elderly people tagged 40, 50, 60 years of age or sometimes even more. Seems like, the age is no barrier to them. At the age, when they are forever at criss-cross with their health, they rest on such a responsible post of the ministers, where they are supposed to drive the nation forward. Mind it, the average life span of Nepalese people is just 58.  Let me append an English epigram here, “A healthy mind exists only in a healthy body”.

In Nepal, youths have always been used by the political force just to meet their egocentric interest. They dole out just as guinea pig and fight senselessly even at the cost of their life, for the sake of their party. But the political parties that succeed to the Government don’t even make it a point to raise the issues related to the youths of the nation. Otherwise, the Government would have never remained a mute spectator at the sight of the deceased body that arrives on a daily basis at the airport from Gulf countries. To make matter worse, the so called Government keeps on flaunting the amount, the country receives as remittance. They have shamelessly been accepting how remittance has been fueling the nation for the smooth move.

 The Government that has been surviving on remittance has done nothing significance as of yet; than furnishing the precious manpower of youths to other developing and developed nations. The entire parasitic nation that thrives on remittance has highly been troubled by economic depression of west than other bigger tribulations existing in our own country. Economic depression in west and in Gulf countries has been posted as a direct to our economy, owing to the remittances that the nation has been entertaining.

The youths should not only be seen as pebbles that can be hurled during the political turmoil, but they should also be accepted as an equal force that can contribute in the development of the country. Without the sturdy shoulders, the fresh mind, soul and heart of the youths, a nation can never prosper. Hence, it would never make a sense if the youth are not counted as the main building blocks of the nation.

The elderly mass who should otherwise be busy in religious chores are still managing to make their way inside Singh Durbar. The political revolutions that took place till date have always been guided by these categories of the people who need a stick even to take a step. They place youths to the lead and toddle on their dead bodies, then decorate the Government as a means to satisfy their interest and meet the unfulfilled dreams. The elderly leaders point out, “It’s our right to succession hence, the youths need to learn to be patient for their turns.” If such cycle of notion goes on, when shall the youths get their pie of leadership?

Youths constitute of almost 65% of the total population of our country. That’s why they also have equal rights and responsibility to contribute for the society and nation. But only a capable and a responsible youth can address the issues related to the youths. That’s why it’s very necessary for the youths to be a part of the leadership, for their voices to be represented. In the days ahead, the youths must be drizzled with opportunities to be a part of the leadership, so that they would be able to cocoon out into perfect responsible and capable leaders.

Now the elderly people should give up their self centered interest for the betterment of the nation. The need and requirement of the time is youth as they carry the potential to spark up with new thoughts, innovations and ideas. For the nation to strive forward, the youths must be given a chance to show how capable they are. The Youth of the Nation should be banked upon for the political, social and economical developments.

We have the capability, we carry the fire, we can turn the wheel, we hold a dream, we understand the need of the time- we are liable towards our motherland and we long to be the proud Youth of the Nation.
(PS: Dis article navigates thru da eyes of a nepali for nepali in context of Nepal.)

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